The #1 Way Your Marketing Guru Is Stealing From You Ethically & How You Can Stop It

"Trust me, this (fill in the blank) if the best way to reach the market. I know all about it. Don't miss this NEW trend!"  - The Battle Cry of Every Marketing Guru Ever

That is the #1 way your advertisers or marketing firms is stealing from you ethically. Everyone, especially Marketers, can have tunnel vision. Marketers specialize in FB, Direct Mail, Telemarketing, Face to Face Surveys, Newsletters, Instagram, Squeeze Pages; and whatever they specialize in they will sell you the vision that this WILL bring you the traffic you need. It's like the adage, "to the person with a hammer everything looks like a nail". They focus on a method or a channel of reaching a client and they will do it so very well for you, they will spend hours and hours over the course of years doing it for you. They will attend every seminar for you and put in extra work for you. They will do all this and they will do it while being paid very handsomely by you.

"Why is it bad to work with someone who is only Social Media or Direct Mail Marketer", you ask.(By the way I am not picking on them, we could be talking about any type of traditional marketing firm.) Because they don't understand that they reason for any advertising or marketing campaign is to bring in sales. So, they ask you to open your checkbook,  they tell you to give them your credit card and to trust them as they dredge up leads for you. They have a method, but they haven't even stopped to determine who your clients are and what they want. Instead they "Me Too" in their chosen channel. Meaning they simply match your competitors ineffective ads, and they justify charging you what they charge you by putting this "Me Too" ad in their favorite marketing medium. Go to your email box and look at all the "Me Too" marketing that is ending up in your spam folders.  Open your junk mail and see the "Me Too" that will end up in the recycling bin. "Me too" ads that don't lead to sales but they marketing guru you work with promised you that it would work in his favorite marketing channel. 

How are they stealing from you ethically? They are stealing from you by wasting your cash and many times know that they are wasting your cash. They don't think about results, they sell you the vision of branding and mind-share instead of what you really need...sales. They don't know what would lead to sales so they instead sell you the abstract ideas of "front of mind".

They are stealing from you ethically because you don't treat them like sales people, you don't hold them accountable. Sales people should be held accountable for bringing in deals, even independent reps are held accountable by most firms that have them. Every marketer is cringing right now, "wait we aren't sales people we are message people' they will argue. As we have discussed in the past, our mantra going forward needs to be, "Any advertising or marketing I do needs to lead to a buying decision and ultimately a sale." But traditionally, we haven't tracked marketing results well enough to hold 

Stop Marketing Theft by working with a Business Growth Consultant that isn't just focused on advertising and marketing, but on how to drive sales and profits. If they are the right partner for you, the first thing they will do is cover who your ideal client is and what would compel them to buy, before they ever look at what method they will use to sell to your clients.

There are plenty of great business growth consultants across the globe. Message me at and I will send you a report on how to choose the best consultant for your industry. You can also visit and download any of our free reports. 


Tyrone Peterson