What It Takes To Turn Your Business Around

"I am about to lose my business. We haven't had a sale in weeks and what we do sell is actually losing me money." - A client about to run into the worst month of his career

My client, we will call him Joe, was having a bad day, well a bad month, ok it was a bad year all around. Sales were down, way down, in fact they had hit rock bottom and stayed there. Why? Well there were a number of reasons but chief among them was that my client wouldn't do what it took to stop the downward spiral into business disaster.

Joe was a hot-head. He liked to yell, and to swear and to scream until he was red. What he didn't like was the daily discipline of running a business. Don't get me wrong. Joe worked and worked hard. He was the first to show up and most times the last to leave. But everything Joe did was scattered. Frankly, it was like watching me dance, everything is moving, but nothing is coordinated. 

Together, we turned Joe's business around. How? We did the one thing that it takes to turn your business around. We did EVERYTHING with discipline and a plan. We approached Joe's vendors and asked for discounts and terms, and we did it with a discipline and a plan. We led his sales team, guiding them on how to get profitable deals in now, and we did it with a discipline and a plan. We cranked up his marketing process, which led to more leads and got Joe out of the doldrums, and we did it with a discipline and a plan. 

You can turn your business around too, it just demands that you do EVERYTHING with discipline and a plan.

At BellaTayla, we help people to get where they want to be. Are you ready to change your business by increasing your sales and profits?  Are you tired of investing in your business with little to show for it?  Call me at 786-769-9191 or visit www.bellatayla.com.